calmly swallowing my coffee... then.. bam. it hits me. you don't accept yourself for who you are, becca. how can you expect others to like you if you don't see that you're likable? you live your life wanting to be like others. you want her hair, his eyes, eyelashes like she has, and a body that looks like hers. you want to be more bubbly like her, more confident like him, as kind as he is, and more like her. you are living your life emulating others, modeling yourself to be like fictional characters. why are you living like this?! don't you realize what you have before you? you are going to end up looking like a big bowl of melted rainbow sherbet! so full of different ideas and hopes that aren't even who you are, that you just look unappealing and confused. you lose yourself, somewhere between changing your favorite color and going from Jessica Simpson heels to Converse. and before you know it, you find yourself wondering... where did I go? I don't know who I am anymore.
Stop modeling yourself after what appeals to others. There is always gonna be someone who doesn't like you. There will always be someone you think is better than you.
Just live your life. Honor God. Have fun. Seek him. and realize that you don't have to be like someone else to be loved. "If they don't like you for who you are, they won't like you for who you're not," a wise friend of mine once told me. Remember that.