Friday, May 18, 2012

London Flashbacks- Volume 2

"My life is SO. HARD." -Christy

"Cutting off heads: an old English pastime." -Mr. Rumbelow 

"Oh dear, don't die! Think how inconvenient it would be!" -Dr. Bracken

Stutz: Does anyone have scissors so I can cut this tag off?
Michelle: No, but we have STEAK KNIVES!

"I've never actually counted how many putti there are, but there are PLENTY of putti- a PLETHORA of PUTTI!" -Dr. Bracken

"My hound found a round pound on the ground, how profound!" -....getting cheesy on the Shakespeare/Dickens walking tour

"Micheal just wants to see my lips." -Stutz
>>insert any other quotes from the back of the coach that are unsuitable for public audiences<<

Dr. Price: It's like when the father pushes his adorable 2 year old daughter on the swing and she flies off and hits her head! It isn't funny, and yet we laugh!
Micheal: (under his breath) and then it turns into a dead baby joke.

"Zeus was always flying down to earth and getting off to some hanky-panky..." -Mrs. Molly

Micheal: Hey bro!
Stutz: I can't be your bro today, my hair is down!

"What a DIRTY slide! Look at that big, dirty fingerprint at the top! How REVOLTING!" -Dr. Bracken

"Micheal is the king of all my world.....
Please don't judge me for saying that." -Jordan

"Oh, no!......" -Cortez, as the owl flies off

"Pain is weakness leaving the body! Oh no, wait.... that's my skin leaving the body." -Stutz

Dr. Bracken: She's either taking her stockings off, or putting them on, depending on how you look at it *smug smile*
Micheal: (under his breath) Or depending on whether you're an optimist or a pessimist...

Cortez: A HORSE!
Dr. Bracken: *dryly* Well-spotted.

Me: I really like this butt warmer.
Stutz: It really likes your butt... *creepy voice* and I can't blame it.

Stutz: What was the title of Harvey's book on his embryonic egg research?
(oh, the things finals week does to you)

"Just so you know, it would be 14 euro, but I will give you special price because it's Sunday. And because it's you and it's me." -Fernando (from Salzburg)

Me: Who's that statue of?
Stutz: Lewis and Clark. 
Me: Really?!

Me: That's like the Tesco headquarters, guys!!
Shell: So THAT'S where the magic happens!

and our VERY FAVORITE...

London Flashbacks- Volume 1

The other night I went to a Switchfoot concert. I was kinda doing my own thing jamming out as strangers pushed in closer to me and I was separated, minute by minute, from my companions. We were in the middle of one of their more 'classic' songs (I believe it was Dare You to Move), when all the sudden Maleesa reached past a stranger in between us and nudged me, whisper-screaming "Look, isn't that London?" as she pointed to the screens on stage. Sure enough, there, in the middle screen was an overhead view of a London street (probably Oxford Street) with double deckers passing along it and people bustling around.
I nearly had a heart attack and emotional breakdown at the same moment. I was overwhelmed with nostalgia and excitement when I yelled back "OHMYGOSH, YESSSS!" as I jumped up and down, pulled out my camera, and attempted to capture the moment. The thing that got me most wasn't that it was my 'hometown' (I sincerely consider London my home now), or even that I got a picture of it, or that it was at the concert of one of my favorite bands. It was mostly the fact that it was such a huge moment of reassurance that God is faithful and He would uphold His promises. And I know my God well enough to know that He knew I needed that confirmation and reassurance so desperately.
When I lived in London, it was literally the happiest I've ever been. It was the highlight of my life. It was my niche, my comfort zone- I fully believe that when God knit me together, all along He had intentions of moving me to London someday... and January 12, 2012 happened to be that day. Everything within me screamed YOU WERE MADE FOR THIS, REBECCA MICHELLE STOVALL, every moment of all 89 days. I was fulfilled and on track and so very in love with God and His plan and the city.
And then we left. Granted, I was ready to see my family and friends again, but the moment I saw everyone waiting on us in the Jackson airport, I wanted to turn around and fly back. I knew that Mississippi is not where I belong. Alabama is not where I belong. I belong in London, England, UK. and it will be years before I go back, quite sadly.
So anyway, I see this picture of London in the middle of a concert. And it was like God slipped it in there, just for me. I doubt anyone else in that arena realized it was Oxford Street, or maybe even London for that matter. I don't think they'd care... But God knew I would. God knew how my heart was aching for my home away from 'home'. He knew I was beginning to wonder if I really would get to go back (much less live there). HE KNEW. And in the weirdest, tiniest way possible, he proved just how closely he was listening to my heart's groanings, just how carefully he had laid out the plans for my prosperous and hopeful future.
Yeah, I get it. You probably don't care one bit about this story and what it means to me. Hopefully, you've skimmed over it and moved on to the silly quotes at the end or totally nixed this blog-reading idea totally. But I reserve this space for the outpouring of my heart (on occasion), and here it came (yes, I actually cried as I wrote it). Cheers, friends. and never forget that He is faithful, and His promises are YES and AMEN!

Wednesday, May 09, 2012


Last night I realized that this is my current status: Heart in London. Body in America. 
Not a good status.
Mostly because that means I cry a lot and feel super out-of-place, all the time.
I truly fell in love with the city of London, which is weird to experience. I've never felt so at home in such a strange, huge, bustling city. and it's not that I'm just missing it or having withdrawals. I'm incomplete without that part of my heart that stayed in London, knit to its inhabitants and traditions. 
This may be a bit melodramatic, but if you're reading this blog, you knew what you were getting yourself into. and it's on my mind.
It's a wholly new feeling, being homesick for somewhere that isn't my 'home'. But it honestly now feels like home, and my "real home" in America feels like my 'home'. 

"If home's where my heart is then I'm out of place. Lord, won't you give me strength to make it through somehow- I've never been more homesick than now"

the loss

CW/TW: pregnancy and miscarriage  Today is Pregnancy and Infant Loss Remembrance Day. I’ve thought about how to word this for so long, debat...